Family Survival Kit

We've heard a lot already about hand washing and social distancing. What no one has really talked about yet is how to help your family stay connected and harmonious while you're all at home.

I'm working on a new series to help families that are stuck at home during the Covid-19 pandemic. This will be a collection of videos and articles with activities you can use to help your family connect, process stress and reinforce the values you want to grow during this stressful time. As I make these, I'll be posting these so you can make use of them right away.

To start with, here are two great videos to help in explaining the virus.

Look for the helpers...and then become one!

Mr Rogers said to "Look for the Helpers" so that children could feel better knowing that adults are actively working to change the situation. Point out people who are helping keep people safe (examples: nurses, doctors, teachers, etc.).

Become a Helper - even small ways can help a big situation feel less out of control.

  • Draw a picture or write a letter/e-mail to someone who is ill or isolating at home. Then take a picture and text or e-mail it to the person. 

  • Set up regular video-chat sessions with a person who is ill or quarantined at home. 

  • Do some extra chores to earn money and donate it to an organization you see helping.  

  • Volunteer to do outdoor chores for neighbors.

  • Use chalk to write/draw an encouraging message on a driveway or sidewalk (be sure to get permission where needed).

  • Post rotating encouraging messages for others to see in an apartment window or yard.

  • Replace any canceled activities or events with family time for having fun. Remember- having fun together creates a way to vent stress and becomes a buffer against stress. The fight or flight response cannot coexist with fun because they cancel each other out. Schedule that time and then guard it.

If you missed it, last month I posted a video on having fun with your family and the effect this has both short and long term. Stay tuned, I'll be posting some games and ideas to help with communication next...