Here are some handpicked resources for you…
Explanation of Play Therapy
Information to help explain what Play Therapy is and how it works.
Association for Play Therapy
Texas Chapter of the Association for Play Therapy
North Texas Chapter of the Texas Association for Play Therapy
These are some of my favorite resources to give to parents when we work together.
There are great resources on this page that you can download. (Or I may have already given these to you!)
This has a large selection of info-graphics on what’s happening in the brain when kids are upset, how to interpret it, and what to do.
This is a fantastic source for all things ADHD and impulse-control.
This is a great site for reviewing all kinds of media. I use it all the time for my own family to check the content of video games, movies, and TV series. It will give you suggestions for appropriate ages based on community and expert reviews.
Did I mention that I am an information junkie?
Information on Play Therapy Research
This database aims to include all available play therapy intervention outcome research since 1995 to the present published or translated in English that meets the definition of play therapy established by the Association for Play Therapy (APT).
The National Institute for Play
If the words “scholarly blog on play” spark your interest, this is your site!
The Gesell Institute has some great ways to identify developmental landmarks. This might be pretty far down the rabbit hole if you’re not a research junkie!
These are the books I recommend to families when we work together. You could pretend we’re having coffee right now and I’m telling you all about how these books will really up your parenting game!
A very special thanks to Will Myers for providing the beautiful photography featured on this page.