How I Help


Play therapy

Adults are great at talking about things, and it’s how we process our experiences. It turns out that kids talking doesn’t produce much change. That’s because kids use play to process their experiences, to practice what they’re learning, and to problem-solve. It’s the most developmentally appropriate approach.

Play is also the one activity that activates the most regions of the brain at once. That means we get access to much more than if we talk! Through their play, we access their worldviews, their patterns of thought, and their behavior.

In addition, play therapy always has a parent component. We meet to evaluate progress, and I work with you to develop approaches for at home. I do play therapy with kids ages 3- 10.

Check the RESOURCES page for some great videos to learn more!


Tweens and Teens

So much is happening in their brains!! Teens and Tweens can do more productive talking than younger kids, but still need some playful elements to help get the best results. This is one of the most turbulent and insecure times in life, so I adapt my approach based on their needs and developmental level. Often we’ll play games, make art, role play situations they face, and laugh at everything possible! At the same time, we’ll use the best techniques from neuroscience to help them learn how they work and how to take good care of themselves.

Teen and Tween therapy also has a similar parent component, but we often have joint sessions, with everyone together, to help boost good communication in your family.


Family Therapy

Sometimes, an outside perspective can change everything. You can drive in your car and have no idea there’s a problem with the tires. You can’t always see things clearly from the inside. Sometimes it takes someone on the outside to tell you, so you can do something about it. That’s where family therapy can be so helpful! We can combine the best of an insider and outsider perspective to find out what keeps your family stuck. Then we work together to help everyone find their part in changing things.

Imagine what it could be like to have your family be more like that dream you had for them?


Parent Coaching

I love working with parents to help them find their best approach with their kids. Every aspect of my work has parent-coaching as an integral part. Sometimes, parents just want to focus on this and can get intensive, individualized help with areas like effective discipline, reconnecting with kids who’ve become distant or angry, improving communication, and intentionally creating the culture and values you want.

Essentially, that means how to hit the targets you’re aiming for as a parent, instead of playing “whack-a mole” with the latest conflict. I hate whack-a-mole!

A very special thanks to Juliane Liebermann, Daiga Ellaby, Daniel Cheung, Michal Parzuchowski and Jessica Cao for providing the beautiful photography on this page.