The Three R's - Flipping Your Lid 3

Even the most well meaning person can make things worse if they approach a stressed out person in a way that increases the stress! I remember a child once told me “I don’t want another person to tell me it’s ok and not to be scared of my room…I just need a person to be in there with me!” The truth is, we’ve all done that. We’ve all had times we missed the cues. Let’s look at a way you can match your approach to the way a person’s brain actually deals with stress. This will help you get much better results!

In this video, I’m going to show you a model called The 3 R’s from Dr. Bruce Perry and match it up with the other models we’ve already looked at. This has been so helpful for me, as a counselor and parent, to know what to do and when to do it.


Here’s a video from Dr Perry where he touches briefly on regulation and connects it to being in the window of tolerance.