Small Tools That Make a Big Difference

This is the start of a new series looking at some small things you can do that will really improve your effectiveness as a parent.

I used to have a big vinyl record collection. I was fascinated by how so much sound could come from such a small groove in vinyl. I was really impacted too, by how the only place that made any sound on the record was the very spot the needle touched it. A tiny pinpoint produced all that sound. If I removed the needle, the sound stopped. I can only hear what it plays right now, in this moment. Not what it has played already or even what it will play. Only right now.

Parenting has a similar element. The only place you and I can make an impact is in this very moment, right now. It’s very easy to get stuck in your own head and not interact with reality (the here and now). You can interact with your own thoughts and feelings, but it may have no effect at all on reality in this moment. I’ve had plenty of conversations in my mind that have never produced any real change!

In this video, I want to show you the most powerful tool I have ever encountered for making the most impact in any relationship.

Photo by James Sutton on Unsplash