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Intensity Is The Enemy

Have you ever been called in to your boss’s office? What about the principals office, when you were a kid? Or how about someone you care about saying the dreaded words “we need to talk”?

How does that feel? How much are you able to listen?

This is how your kids feel when you try to parent or discipline using intensity. That’s why I often say intensity is the enemy…in fact, it can make our brains change into a mode that can’t process language.


So what can you do? How do you get the message through?

My hope with these videos is to create an online resource library that families can use at home. Although it doesn't replace the work you can do with a counselor, they can help you gain some insight into the dynamics between you and your kids. You are free to share any of this with anyone you think it may help. 

See you soon,


Photo by Andre Hunter on Unsplash