Helplessness- Goals of Behavior

Helplessness can make any parent feel like they’ve lost their grip on reality. It can be hard to tell the difference between when kids actually can’t do something and when it’s something else. Even if you can tell, what do you do when they act this way? Let’s unpack this one and look at what a child’s goals are with this behavior as well as some ways to work with them.

This behavior often leads to shutting down, or hypoarousal. If you’d like more information about that, I have series here:


My hope with these videos is to create an online resource library that families can use at home. Although it doesn't replace the work you can do with a counselor, they can help you gain some insight into the dynamics between you and your kids. You are free to share any of this with anyone you think it may help. 

See you soon,


Photo by Torsten Dederichs on Unsplash